International Transfer Credit
For international transfer credit, previously completed college-level course work will transfer to Ohio State if the course was taken at a properly recognized institution of higher education, the course was non-remedial, and an equivalent grade of C- or above (on a 4.0 scale) was earned.
Step-by-step Guide and Independent Education Abroad
Step-by-Step Guide
- Submit an official transcript from each previous institution where you completed coursework.
- A final, official transcript must be sent to Ohio State directly from the institution. Please refer to Sending Transcripts to Ohio State for further delivery instructions.
- Foreign language documents must be translated into English by the issuing institution, an authorized translator, or a teacher of the language.
- Transcripts from institutions located in the People’s Republic of China must be submitted with a verification report from the Center for Student Services and Development. The report must be mailed directly or securely emailed to Undergraduate Admissions by the Center for Student Services and Development, Ministry of Education, P.R. China (CSSD). Any transcript not sent by CSSD will not be considered.
- Submitting fraudulent materials is considered academic misconduct.
- Allow time for processing.
- Once received, transcripts are typically processed within 3-5 business days.
- Review your Transfer Credit Report.
- The Transfer Credit Report explains how undergraduate credits earned at other institutions will be transferred to The Ohio State University. You will be notified by email when your Transfer Credit Report is available.
- Contact the appropriate departmental Transfer Credit Coordinator to evaluate any general credit (example: G000.**).
Acceptance of transfer credit
- Institutions must be recognized by their respective Ministry of Education, or other comparable organization in order for the coursework to be considered for transfer credit.
- Remedial courses are not transferable.
- Coursework must carry a grade equivalent to C- or higher on a 4.0 scale.
- Non-remedial English courses are only transferable if English is that country’s native language.
- Australia, Belize, the British Caribbean and British West Indies, Canada (not including French-speaking Quebec), England, Guyana, Ireland, Liberia, New Zealand, Scotland, and Wales.
Calculation of credit hours
Your previous college credit values may need to be converted to Ohio State semester hours. If the originating institution’s system of awarding credit is determined to be comparable to Ohio State’s semester hour definition, your course credits will not be converted. In cases where the educational systems and credit values are not comparable, a ratio will be used to award equivalent credit. In general, one year’s work will be considered equal to approximately 30 semester hours of credit.
Ohio State has established ratios for Chinese and European institutions:
European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) Units
2 ECTS units = 1 Ohio State semester hour
United Kingdom
4 Credit Accumulation and Transfer Scheme units = 1 Ohio State semester hour
People’s Republic of China
All course hours are multiplied by .667 to convert to OSU semester hours
Example: a 4-credit course converts to 2.67 credit hours
Independent education abroad programs are those in which students are not enrolled at Ohio State, but rather participate through another university. Before you choose to study abroad independently, consider the wide variety of Ohio State approved study abroad programs. Be sure to explore all current offerings at Ohio State and consult the Office of International Affairs before making a decision. If you determine that an independent education abroad experience is appropriate for you, please note:
- Prior to enrolling, you are responsible for providing the Transfer Credit Center with complete and accurate information about the education abroad program and institution of study. Failure to provide sufficient information may result in processing delays.
- The Transfer Credit Center will determine transferability of the coursework. You are responsible for consulting with your Ohio State advisor to determine applicability of the credit and, if necessary, initiating Departmental Credit Evaluations from the appropriate department to determine equivalency.
- Credit earned through independent programs is awarded “K” credit – not native Ohio State course credit – and does not impact your Ohio State GPA. However, you must earn at least a C- for credit to be awarded.
- The Transfer Credit Center does not process credit for programs approved through the Office of International Affairs. Please refer to Office of International Affair’s Independent Education Abroad website for more information about the differences between study abroad options.
Upon completion of the study abroad term, the student must send an official transcript from the registrar (or similar designee) of the institution of higher education to Undergraduate Admissions. Certificates of completion or other documents issued by a third party provider or an office other that the institution’s registrar (or similar designee) will not be accepted for transfer credit.
If you have further questions regarding Independent Study Abroad, email the Office of International Affairs, or the University Registrar’s Transfer Credit Center.
Independent Study Abroad Institution Approval Qualtrics Form