Student walking on campus with red background

Multi-Campus Students

Guidelines Regarding the Distribution of Tuition for Multi-Campus Students


Since most costs associated with tuition are instruction-related, it is appropriate for tuition to flow as reasonably as possible based on where the instructional costs are borne. Instructional subsidy is distributed in a similar pattern.

  • Current limitations in the technical systems which support fee assessment and student accounts impose the following constraints:
    1. The "Campus of Enrollment" on a student's academic record is a key driver in the fee assessment process. At present, the system will accommodate only one "Campus of Enrollment" for an individual student, per term, and that campus designation must match the fee assessment protocol.
    2. While a course-based fee assessment process would most closely approximate the tuition flow principle noted above, that approach is not practical under the current system and fee assessment policy structure.


Therefore, for students who are registered for classes at more than one campus of The Ohio State University during any single term, their fees will be assessed based on the campus carrying the majority of their instructional credit hours.


  • As a practical matter, in order for the current fee assessment protocol to support this approach, the following will be required:
    1. The "Campus of Enrollment" must match between the fee assessment protocol and the majority of credit hours taken. Credit hours from more than one regional campus may not be combined for majority over Columbus campus credit hours.
    2. This pattern will be necessary regardless of whether a student is registered on a single or multiple campuses of Ohio State, and regardless of whether or not a student considers themself as associated with any particular campus for advising or other purposes.
  • Since instructional subsidy is based on registration as of the Census Date (currently the 15th-day of classes), the “Campus of Enrollment” should also be considered set by the Census Date.
  • Although the following instructional patterns may not be considered "site-bound" in the traditional sense, they still require instructional support. Therefore, the credit hours from these courses will be factored into this policy based on the campus which is most directly related to the course offering. Examples include:
    1. Distance Learning/Education courses
    2. Thesis/Dissertation hours
    3. Arranged hours
  • Regional Campus students will not be permitted to register for a majority of their credit hours on the Columbus Campus if they do not meet the admissions or transfer criteria for the Columbus Campus. No Regional Campus student with fewer than 30 earned hours or less than a 2.00 GPA should be registered for ANY Columbus Campus course without specific permission from an academic adviser on their respective Regional Campus.
  • Exceptions to these guidelines will be made by the Office of the University Registrar, and only in extremely unusual circumstances.