Student walking on campus with red background

Undergraduate Fees - students that began summer 2020 through spring 2024

The Ohio State University's tuition and fees are set by the Board of Trustees; and as mandated by the State of Ohio. Tuition and fees may vary by college and academic program. In addition, students should anticipate expenses such as books, supplies, travel, recreation and personal items. The university reserves the right to assess fees for special services and programs applicable to students.

Tuition Guarantee 2020-2024 Rates

Below are the Autumn Semester and Spring Semester Student Fee Schedules for students granted the Tuition Guarantee as first year students in the following cohorts:

  • Tuition Guarantee 2023-2024 Rate (TG24):
    Undergraduate Students that began Summer 2023, Autumn 2023, or Spring 2024
  • Tuition Guarantee 2022-2023 Rate (TG23):
    Undergraduate Students that began Summer 2022, Autumn 2022, or Spring 2023
  • Tuition Guarantee 2021-2022 Rate (TG22):
    Undergraduate Students that began Summer 2021, Autumn 2021, or Spring 2022
  • Tuition Guarantee 2020-2021 Rate (TG21):
    Undergraduate Students that began Summer 2020, Autumn 2020, or Spring 2021
  • Earlier Tuition Guarantee cohort fee tables are available on the Archives webpage.

The fee tables below apply only to undergraduate students who began their academic career in a 2021-2024 cohort.

Select a different undergraduate fee table

The Tuition Guarantee applies to instructional, general, student activity, student union, recreational and COTA fees for each entering class of first-year Ohio resident students. The Tuition Guarantee does not apply to the non-resident surcharge, international surcharge, or program/technology/course fees. After completion of four academic years, students will be charged the next guaranteed rate. 

Learn more about the Ohio State Tuition Guarantee

Fee Table Selection

Fees are determined by program type and/or mode of instruction. To qualify for Distance Learning or For-credit Online Degree fees, not one class/lecture can be on campus. For example, if a student is in a Distance Learning program and one class/lecture is on campus, they will be charged On-campus fees.

Each fee table contains two tables; one for per credit hour fees (these fees must be multiplied by the number credit hours taken) and one for one-time semester fees.    

Autumn 2024, Spring 2025 and Summer 2025 Fee Tables

On-campus Fee Tables

Any student that attends AT LEAST ONE class/lecture on campus will be charged fees based on the On-campus Fee Tables:

Per Credit Hour Fees1
Fee TG24 TG23 TG22 TG21
Instructional Fee $492.75 $480.21 $459.08 $442.29
General Fee $21.83 $19.08 $17.33 $16.71
Student Union Facility Fee $6.20 $6.20 $6.20 $6.20
Learning Technology Fee2 (varies by program) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below)
Program Fee2 (varies by program) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below)
Non-Resident Surcharge3 $1,115.75 $1,115.75 $1,115.75 $1,115.75
International Undergraduate Student Fee4 $122.00 $122.00 $122.00 $122.00
Per Semester Fees
Fee (rate not based on credit hours) TG24 TG23 TG22 TG21
Student Activity Fee $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00
Recreational Fee5 $126.50 $123.00 $123.00 $123.00
COTA Bus Service Fee6 $13.50 $13.50 $13.50 $13.50
Course Fee (varies by course)2 varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below)

1Students pay a half credit hour fee for 0.0-0.5 credit hour and for each half credit hour of enrollment over 18. Students with 12-18 credit hours pay the 12-credit hour fee.

2The Learning Technology Fee, Program Fee and Course Fee are fees charged by certain programs. The fees vary and are detailed below.

3Students who are non-residents of Ohio will be assessed a non-resident tuition surcharge, regardless of instruction mode.

4International students will be assessed an international fee.

5The recreational fee is a flat fee for four or more credit hours.                          

6The COTA fee goes to the Central Ohio Transit Authority for student bus passes.

Per Credit Hour Fees1
Fee TG24 TG23 TG22 TG21
Instructional Fee $369.56 $360.16 $344.31 $331.72
General Fee $16.38 $14.31 $13.00 $12.53
Student Union Facility Fee $4.65 $4.65 $4.65 $4.65
Learning Technology Fee2 (varies by program) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below)
Program Fee2 (varies by program) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below)
Non-Resident Surcharge3 $836.81 $836.81 $836.81 $836.81
International Undergraduate Student Fee4 $122.00 $122.00 $122.00 $122.00
Per Semester Fees
Fee (rate not based on credit hours) TG24 TG23 TG22 TG21
Student Activity Fee $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00
Recreational Fee5 $94.88 $92.25 $92.25 $92.25
COTA Bus Service Fee6 $13.50 $13.50 $13.50 $13.50
Course Fee (varies by course)2 varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below)

1Students pay a half credit hour fee for 0.0-0.5 credit hour and for each half credit hour of enrollment over 18. Students with 12-18 credit hours pay the 12-credit hour fee.

2The Learning Technology Fee, Program Fee and Course Fee are fees charged by certain programs. The fees vary and are detailed below.

3Students who are non-residents of Ohio will be assessed a non-resident tuition surcharge, regardless of instruction mode.

4International students will be assessed an international fee.

5The recreational fee is a flat fee for four or more credit hours.                          

6The COTA fee goes to the Central Ohio Transit Authority for student bus passes.

Per Credit Hour Fees1
Fee TG24 TG23 TG22 TG21
Instructional Fee - Lima, Mansfield, Marion, Newark $372.38 $361.54 $345.63 $332.96
Instructional Fee - ATI $370.50 $359.71 $343.88 $331.29
General Fee $11.46 $11.13 $10.63 $10.25
Learning Technology Fee2 (varies by program) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below)
Program Fee2 (varies by program) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below)
Non-Resident Surcharge3 $1,115.75 $1,115.75 $1,115.75 $1,115.75
International Undergraduate Student Fee4 $122.00 $122.00 $122.00 $122.00
Per Semester Fees
Fee (rate not based on credit hours) TG24 TG23 TG22 TG21
Course Fee2 varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below)

1Students pay a half credit hour fee for 0.0-0.5 credit hour and for each half credit hour of enrollment over 18. Students with 12-18 credit hours pay the 12-credit hour fee.

2The Learning Technology Fee, Program Fee and Course Fee are fees charged by certain programs. The fees vary and are detailed below.

3Students who are non-residents of Ohio will be assessed a non-resident tuition surcharge, regardless of instruction mode.

4International students will be assessed an international fee.

Distance Learning Fee Tables

Any student that is enrolled in ALL DISTANCE LEARNING CLASSES (no classes or associated components are on campus or in-person, and student is not exclusively pursuing an online degree or certificate program) for the semester/term will be charged fees based on the Distance Learning Fee Tables:

Per Credit Hour Fees1
Fee TG24 TG23 TG22 TG21
Instructional Fee $492.75 $480.21 $459.08 $442.29
General Fee $21.83 $19.08 $17.33 $16.71
Learning Technology Fee2 (varies by program) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below)
Program Fee2 (varies by program) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below)
Non-Resident Surcharge Distance Learning3 $1,115.72 $1,115.72 $1,115.72 $1,115.72
International Undergraduate Student Fee4 $122.00 $122.00 $122.00 $122.00
Per Semester Fees
Fee (rate not based on credit hours) TG24 TG23 TG22 TG21
Course Fee2 (varies by course) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below)
Distance Learning Fee $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00

1Students pay a half credit hour fee for 0.0-0.5 credit hour and for each half credit hour of enrollment over 18. Students with 12-18 credit hours pay the 12-credit hour fee.

2The Learning Technology Fee, Program Fee and Course Fee are fees charged by certain programs. The fees vary and are detailed below.

3Students who are non-residents of Ohio will be assessed a non-resident fee, regardless of instruction mode.

4International students will be assessed an international fee.

Per Credit Hour Fees1
Fee TG24 TG23 TG22 TG21
Instructional Fee $369.56 $360.16 $344.31 $331.72
General Fee $16.38 $14.31 $13.00 $12.53
Learning Technology Fee2 (varies by program) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below)
Program Fee2 (varies by program) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below)
Non-Resident Surcharge Distance Learning3 $836.81 $836.61 $836.81 $836.81
International Undergraduate Student Fee4 $122.00 $122.00 $122.00 $122.00
Per Semester Fees
Fee (rate not based on credit hours) TG24 TG23 TG22 TG21
Course Fee2 (varies by course) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below)
Distance Learning Fee $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00

1Students pay a half credit hour fee for 0.0-0.5 credit hour and for each half credit hour of enrollment over 18. Students with 12-18 credit hours pay the 12-credit hour fee.

2The Learning Technology Fee, Program Fee and Course Fee are fees charged by certain programs. The fees vary and are detailed below.

3Students who are non-residents of Ohio will be assessed a non-resident fee, regardless of instruction mode.

4International students will be assessed an international fee.

Per Credit Hour Fees1
Fee TG24 TG23 TG22 TG21
Instructional Fee - Lima, Mansfield, Marion, Newark $372.38 $361.54 $345.63 $332.96
Instructional Fee - ATI $370.50 $359.71 $343.88 $331.29
General Fee $11.46 $11.13 $10.63 $10.25
Learning Technology Fee2 (varies by program) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below)
Program Fee2(varies by program) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below)
Non-Resident Surcharge Distance Learning3 $1,115.75 $1,115.75 $1,115.75 $1,115.75
International Undergraduate Student Fee4 $122.00 $122.00 $122.00 $122.00
Per Semester Fees
Fee (rate not based on credit hours) TG24 TG23 TG22 TG21
Course Fee2 (varies by course) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below)
Distance Learning Fee $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00

1Students pay a half credit hour fee for 0.0-0.5 credit hour and for each half credit hour of enrollment over 18. Students with 12-18 credit hours pay the 12-credit hour fee.

2The Learning Technology Fee, Program Fee and Course Fee are fees charged by certain programs. The fees vary and are detailed below.

3Students who are non-residents of Ohio will be assessed a non-resident fee, regardless of instruction mode.

4International students will be assessed an international fee.

For-credit Online Degree Program Fee Tables

Any student that is EXCLUSIVELY (defined as ALL classes for the semester/term are for-credit online degree or certificate program(s) listed at Ohio State Online) will be charged fees based on the Online Degree Program Fee Tables below.

Per Credit Hour Fees1
Fee TG24 TG23 TG22 TG21
Instructional Fee $492.75 $480.21 $459.08 $442.29
General Fee $21.83 $19.08 $17.33 $16.71
Learning Technology Fee2 (varies by program) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below)
Program Fee2 (varies by program) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below)
International Undergraduate Student Fee3 $122.00 $122.00 $122.00 $122.00
Per Semester Fees
Fee (rate not based on credit hours) TG24 TG23 TG22 TG21
Course Fee2 (varies by course) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below)
Distance Learning Fee $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00
Non-Resident Surcharge - Online Program4 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00

1Students pay a half credit hour fee for 0.0-0.5 credit hour and for each half credit hour of enrollment over 18. Students with 12-18 credit hours pay the 12-credit hour fee.

2The Learning Technology Fee, Program Fee and Course Fee are fees charged by certain programs. The fees vary and are detailed below.

3International students will be assessed an international fee.

4Students who are non-residents of Ohio will be assessed a non-resident fee, regardless of instruction mode. For non-resident students exclusively enrolled in a for-credit online degree or certificate program(s) listed at Ohio State Online, the Distance Education Non-Resident Surcharge is $200 per student per term.

Per Credit Hour Fees1
Fee TG24 TG23 TG22 TG21
Instructional Fee $369.56 $360.16 $344.31 $331.72
General Fee $16.38 $14.31 $13.00 $12.53
Learning Technology Fee2 (varies by program) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below)
Program Fee2 (varies by program) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below)
International Undergraduate Student Fee3 $122.00 $122.00 $122.00 $122.00
Per Semester Fees
Fee (rate not based on credit hours) TG24 TG23 TG22 TG21
Course Fee2 (varies by course) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below)
Distance Learning Fee $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00
Non-Resident Surcharge - Online Program4 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00

1Students pay a half credit hour fee for 0.0-0.5 credit hour and for each half credit hour of enrollment over 18. Students with 12-18 credit hours pay the 12-credit hour fee.

2The Learning Technology Fee, Program Fee and Course Fee are fees charged by certain programs. The fees vary and are detailed below.

3International students will be assessed an international fee.

4Students who are non-residents of Ohio will be assessed a non-resident fee, regardless of instruction mode. For non-resident students exclusively enrolled in a for-credit online degree or certificate program(s) listed at Ohio State Online, the Distance Education Non-Resident Surcharge is $200 per student per term.

Per Credit Hour Fees1
Fee TG24 TG23 TG22 TG21
Instructional Fee - Lima, Mansfield, Marion, Newark $372.38 $361.54 $345.63 $332.96
Instructional Fee - ATI $370.50 $359.71 $343.88 $331.29
General Fee $11.46 $11.13 $10.63 $10.25
Learning Technology Fee2 (varies by program) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below)
Program Fee2 (varies by program) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below)
International Undergraduate Student Fee3 $122.00 $122.00 $122.00 $122.00
Per Semester Fees
Fee (rate not based on credit hours) TG24 TG23 TG22 TG21
Course Fee2 (varies by course) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below) varies (rates below)
Distance Learning Fee $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00
Non-Resident Surcharge - Online Program4 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00

1Students pay a half credit hour fee for 0.0-0.5 credit hour and for each half credit hour of enrollment over 18. Students with 12-18 credit hours pay the 12-credit hour fee.

2The Learning Technology Fee, Program Fee and Course Fee are fees charged by certain programs. The fees vary and are detailed below.

3International students will be assessed an international fee.

4Students who are non-residents of Ohio will be assessed a non-resident fee, regardless of instruction mode. For non-resident students exclusively enrolled in a for-credit online degree or certificate program(s) listed at Ohio State Online, the Distance Education Non-Resident Surcharge is $200 per student per term.

Learning Technology and Program Fees

Per Credit Hour Fees

Some programs charge a Learning Technology Fee and/or a Program Fee to pay for certain program related expenses. If enrolled in one of the programs listed below, the per credit hour fee will be charged based on a student’s course load (total enrollment hours) for the semester.

Program Per Credit Hour (1-11 credit hours)1 Total Cost (12-18 credit hours)1
Not listed below No Fee No Fee
Art (except for those in Music; see Music below) $13.50 $162.00
Business (except for Pre-Bachelor of Science in Business Admin and Re-Exploration) $15.50 $186.00
Communications $4.10 $49.20
Computer & Information Science $9.00 $108.00
Education & Human Ecology $7.50 $90.00
Engineering and Architecture2 (except for Engineering Physics; see below) $20.00 $240.00
Engineering Physics $9.00 $108.00
Food, Agriculture & Environment Science3 $4.10 $49.20
Music (except for College of the Arts - Pre-Music) $13.50 $162.00
Nursing4 $16.60 $199.20

Non-whole dollar amounts were adjusted slightly to meet software rules.

1Students pay a half credit hour fee for 0.0-0.5 credit hour and for each half credit hour of enrollment over 18.

2Beginning in FY 2015, specific Architecture majors and plans only.

3ATI students in FAES also pay this fee.

4Students enrolled in an online program in the College of Nursing will pay a Nursing Distance Learning Fee of $190 in place of the Learning Technology Fee; site-based fees, including Student Activity Fee, Recreational Fee, Student Union Fee, and COTA Bus Fee will be replaced by the university's general $100 Distance Learning Fee.

Program Per Credit Hour (1-11 credit hours)1 Total Cost (12-18 credit hours)1
Not listed below No Fee No Fee
Animal Science $6.50 $78.00
Architecture (Undergraduate degree seeking student Summer 2022 or later) $166.67 $2,000.00
Architecture (Undergraduate degree seeking student Spring 2022 or earlier) $49.10 $589.20
Arts (except for those in the School of Music; see Music below) $9.50 $114.00
Business (except for Pre-Bachelor of Science in Business Admin and Re-Exploration) $54.10 $649.20
Engineering (Undergraduate degree seeking student Summer 2022 or later) $166.67 $2,000.00
Engineering (Undergraduate degree seeking student Spring 2022 or earlier) $49.10 $589.20
Engineering Physics $29.10 $349.20
Environment & Natural Resources2 $4.10 $49.20
Food, Agriculture & Environment Science $4.10 $49.20
Health and Rehabilitation Services $16.60 $199.20
Music (except for College of the Arts - Pre-Music) $29.00 $348.00
Nursing (students enrolled in Fall 2013 and subsequent terms) $52.00 $624.00
Psychology $8.70 $104.40

Non-whole dollar amounts were adjusted slightly to meet software rules.

1Students pay a half credit hour fee for 0.0-0.5 credit hour.

2If enrolled in Environment & Natural Resources you will also be charged the Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences program fee.

Per Semester Fees

Program Per Semester Flat Rate (rate not based on credit hours)
Nursing (students in the NURBSN-DNP with the subplan CRN) $5000.00

Course Fees

2024 - 2025 Per Semester/Term Fees

Course fee(s) are designed to fund additional costs for specific courses. Any courses that require added materials and/or equipment will have this fee assessed each semester/term. The college or plan (major) determines the level of the course fee. To see if a particular course has a fee, please review the course fee listing below by campus. 

Course Fee Fee Amount
ANATOMY 2210 COM Anatomy Course Fee $100
ANATOMY 6100 COM Anatomy Course Fee $100
ANATOMY 6511 COM Anatomy Course Fee $100
ANATOMY 6512 COM Anatomy Course Fee $75
ANATOMY 6700 COM Anatomy Course Fee $100
ANATOMY 6800 COM Anatomy Course Fee $50
ANATOMY 6900 COM Anatomy Course Fee $150
ANATOMY 7310 COM Anatomy Course Fee $50
ANATOMY 8140 COM Anatomy Course Fee $50
ART 3207 Sculpture Materials Fee $120
ART 4106 Art Materials Fee $180
ART 4301 Art Materials Fee $60
ART 4902 Ceramics Materials Fee $120
ART 5193.50 Photography Materials Fee $120
ART 5193.70 Sculpture Materials Fee $120
ART 5194.70 Sculpture Materials Fee $120
ART 5202 Art Materials Fee $180
ART 5302 Art Materials Fee $120
ART 5335 Digital Media Materials Fee $120
ART 5558 Art Materials Fee $120
ART 5995 Printmaking Materials Fee $120
ART 6692 Art Materials Fee $120
ART 6693 Art Materials Fee $120
ART 6695 Art Materials Fee $120
ART 6696 Art Materials Fee $120
ART 6697 Art Materials Fee $120
ART 7792 Art Materials Fee $180
ART 7793 Art Materials Fee $240
ART 7795 Art Materials Fee $120
ART 7796 Art Materials Fee $120
ART 7797 Art Materials Fee $120
ART 8893 Art Materials Fee $240
ART 8895 Art Materials Fee $120
ART 8896 Art Materials Fee $120
ART 8897 Art Materials Fee $120
AVIATN 1000.01 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 1000.02 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 1000.03 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 1000.04 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 1000.05 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 1000.06 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 1000.07 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 1000.08 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 1000.09 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 1000.10 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 1000.11 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 1000.12 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 1000.13 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 1000.14 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 1000.15 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 2101 Airport class fee $8,200
AVIATN 2102 Airport class fee $11,700
AVIATN 2501 Airport class fee $11,600
AVIATN 3101 Airport class fee $12,400
AVIATN 4101 Airport class fee $11,300
AVIATN 4102 Airport class fee $12,200
AVIATN 4301 Airport class fee $6,200
AVIATN 5101 Airport class fee $9,000
AVIATN 5102 Airport class fee $7,000
AVIATN 5201 Airport class fee $3,500
BIOCHEM 5621 Bio Chem Lab Fee $84
BIOCHEM 6706 Bio Chem Lab Fee $84
BIOLOGY 1101 Biology Lab Fee $134
BIOLOGY 1101E Columbus Biological Sciences Laboratory $134
BIOLOGY 1113.01 Biology Lab Fee $150
BIOLOGY 1113H Biology Lab Fee $150
BIOLOGY 1114.01 Biology Lab Fee $134
BIOLOGY 1114H Biology Lab Fee $134
BIOLOGY 2100 Bio Chem Lab Fee $150
CHEM 1110 Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 1210 Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 1220 Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 1250 Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 1610 Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 1620 Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 1910H Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 1920H Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 2210 Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 2210H Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 2540 Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 2550 Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 2940H Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 2950H Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 4410 Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 4550 Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 4880 Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 7480 Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
EDUTL 1001 American Language Program Fee $8,185
EDUTL 1002 American Language Program Fee $8,185
EDUTL 1003 American Language Program Fee $8,185
EDUTL 1004 American Language Program Fee $8,185
EDUTL 1005 American Language Program Fee $8,185
EDUTL 1006 American Language Program Fee $8,185
EDUTL 1007 American Language Program Fee $8,185
EDUTL 1010 American Language Program Fee $8,185
EEOB 7210 Bio Chem Lab Fee $20
EEOB 7310 Bio Chem Lab Fee $60
KNSFHP 1102 EHE First Aid and CPR Lab Fee $20
KNSFHP 1143.02 EHE Sport Fitness Health Fee $10
KNSFHP 1151 EHE Sport Fitness Health Fee $10
KNSFHP 1154.02 EHE Sport Fitness Health Fee $10
KNSFHP 1164.01 EHE Sport Fitness Health Fee $10
KNSFHP 1164.02 EHE Sport Fitness Health Fee $10
KNSFHP 1169.01 EHE Sport Fitness Health Fee $10
KNSFHP 1169.03 EHE Sport Fitness Health Fee $10
KNSFHP 1169.05 EHE Sport Fitness Health Fee $10
KNSFHP 1169.08 EHE Sport Fitness Health Fee $10
KNSFHP 1169.10 EHE Sport Fitness Health Fee $10
KNSFHP 1170.02 EHE Sport Fitness Health Fee $10
KNSFHP 1171.01 EHE Sport Fitness Health Fee $10
KNSFHP 1171.02 EHE Sport Fitness Health Fee $10
KNSFHP 1175.02 EHE Sport Fitness Health Fee $10
KNSFHP 1182.01 EHE Sport Fitness Health Fee $10
KNSFHP 1182.02 EHE Sport Fitness Health Fee $10
KNSFHP 1185.02 EHE Sport Fitness Health Fee $10
KNSFHP 1188.02 EHE Sport Fitness Health Fee $10
KNSFHP 1195.03 EHE Sport Fitness Health Fee $10
MOLGEN 1101 Bio Chem Lab Fee $90
MOLGEN 5643 Bio Chem Lab Fee $60
MUSIC 1101.01 School of Music Program Fee $60
MUSIC 1101.02 School of Music Program Fee $60
MUSIC 1101.35 School of Music Program Fee $60
MUSIC 1101.41 School of Music Program Fee $60
MUSIC 2216.11 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.12 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.21 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.31 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.32 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.34 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.36 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.37 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.41 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.42 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.43 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.44 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.45 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.46 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.47 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.51 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.52 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.53 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.54 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.55 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.56 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.57 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.71 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.72 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.91 School of Music Program Fee $1121
OCCTHER 6110 Occupational Therapy Initial Course Fee $375
PHYSICS 1200 Laboratory Fee--Physics $300
PHYSICS 1201 Laboratory Fee--Physics $300
PHYSICS 1210 Laboratory Fee--Physics $75
PHYSICS 1211 Laboratory Fee--Physics $75
PHYSICS 1240 Laboratory Fee--Physics $75
PHYSICS 1241 Laboratory Fee--Physics $75
PHYSICS 1250 Laboratory Fee--Physics $300
PHYSICS 1250H Laboratory Fee--Physics $300
PHYSICS 1251 Laboratory Fee--Physics $300
PHYSICS 1251H Laboratory Fee--Physics $300
PHYSICS 1260 Laboratory Fee--Physics $300
PHYSICS 1261 Laboratory Fee--Physics $300
PHYSTHR 6021 Physical Therapy Initial Course Fee $500

1Amount per credit hour

Course Fee Fee Amount
ANMLTEC 2592T Lab Fee Engineering ATI $35
ANMLTEC 3141T ATI Horse Science & Production Management $225
BIOLOGY 1101 Lab Fee Biology ATI $80
BIOLOGY 1113.01 Lab Fee Biology ATI $50
BIOLOGY 1114.01 Lab Fee Biology ATI $50
BIOTECH 2218T Lab Fee Biology ATI $50
BUSTEC 2206T Course Fee General Business ATI $50
BUSTEC 2208T Course Fee General Business ATI $50
CHEM 1110 Lab Fee Chemistry ATI $50
CHEM 1210 Lab Fee Chemistry ATI $50
CHEM 1220 Lab Fee Chemistry ATI $50
EARTHSC 5584 Stone Lab Earth SC Lab Fee $80
EEOB 1920 Stone Lab Laboratory Fee $80
EEOB 3420 Stone Lab Laboratory Fee $80
EEOB 4920 Stone Lab Laboratory Fee $80
GENBIOL 1200T Lab Fee Biology ATI $50
GENBIOL 1250T Lab Fee Biology ATI $50
HORTTEC 2350T Course Fee General Business ATI $50
HORTTEC 2370T Lab Fee Horticulture ATI $50
PHYSICS 1200 Lab Fee Physics ATI $50
PHYSICS 1201 Lab Fee Physics ATI $50
Course Fee Fee Amount
ART 2504 Art Materials Fee LMA $25
BIOLOGY 1101 Lab Fee Biology LMA $80
BIOLOGY 1113.01 Lab Fee Biology LMA $30
BIOLOGY 1114.01 Lab Fee Biology LMA $30
CHEM 1110 Lab Fee Chemistry LMA $100
CHEM 1210 Lab Fee Chemistry LMA $125
CHEM 1220 Lab Fee Chemistry LMA $125
CHEM 1250 Lab Fee Chemistry LMA $50
CHEM 2510 Lab Fee Chemistry LMA $50
CHEM 2540 Lab Fee Chemistry LMA $100
CHEM 2550 Lab Fee Chemistry LMA $100
CHEM 2610 Lab Fee Chemistry LMA $50
CHEM 2620 Lab Fee Chemistry LMA $50
CHEM 2920H Lab Fee Chemistry LMA $50
CHEM 2940H Lab Fee Chemistry LMA $50
CHEM 2950H Lab Fee Chemistry LMA $50
EARTHSC 2122H Lab Fee Earth Sci LMA $20
EARTHSC 2203 Lab Fee Earth Sci LMA $20
EARTHSC 2206 Lab Fee Earth Sci LMA $20
ECE 2000 Lab Fee Engineering LMA $50
ECE 2100 Lab Fee Engineering LMA $50
ECE 2300 Lab Fee Engineering LMA $50
PHYSICS 1200 Lab Fee Physics LMA $105
PHYSICS 1201 Lab Fee Physics LMA $105
PHYSICS 1250 Lab Fee Physics LMA $105
PHYSICS 1251 Lab Fee Physics LMA $105
Course Fee Fee Amount
ART 3000 Art Materials Fee MNS $60
ART 3004 Art Materials Fee MNS $25
BIOLOGY 1101 Lab Fee Biology MNS $80
BIOLOGY 1113.01 Lab Fee Biology MNS $30
BIOLOGY 1114.01 Lab Fee Biology MNS $30
CHEM 1110 Lab Fee Chemistry MNS $100
CHEM 1210 Lab Fee Chemistry MNS $125
CHEM 1220 Lab Fee Chemistry MNS $125
CHEM 1250 Lab Fee Chemistry MNS $50
CHEM 2510 Lab Fee Chemistry MNS $50
CHEM 2510 Lab Fee Chemistry MNS $50
CHEM 2610 Lab Fee Chemistry MNS $50
CHEM 2620 Lab Fee Chemistry MNS $50
CHEM 2920H Lab Fee Chemistry MNS $50
CHEM 2940H Lab Fee Chemistry MNS $50
CHEM 2950H Lab Fee Chemistry MNS $50
EARTHSC 2122H Lab Fee Earth Sci MNS $20
EARTHSC 2203 Lab Fee Earth Sci MNS $20
EARTHSC 2206 Lab Fee Earth Sci MNS $20
ECE 2000 Lab Fee Engineering MNS $50
ECE 2100 Lab Fee Engineering MNS $50
ECE 2300 Lab Fee Engineering MNS $50
KNSFHP 1102 MNS First Aid and CPR Lab Fee $20
PHYSICS 1200 Lab Fee Physics MNS $105
PHYSICS 1250 Lab Fee Physics MNS $105
PHYSICS 1251 Lab Fee Physics MNS $105
Course Fee Fee Amount
ART 3004 Art Materials Fee MRN $25
BIOLOGY 1101 Lab fee Biology MRN $80
BIOLOGY 1101E Lab fee Biology MRN $80
BIOLOGY 1113.01 Lab fee Biology MRN $30
BIOLOGY 1114.01 Lab fee Biology MRN $30
CHEM 1110 Lab Fee Chemistry MRN $100
CHEM 1210 Lab Fee Chemistry MRN $125
CHEM 1220 Lab Fee Chemistry MRN $125
CHEM 1250 Lab Fee Chemistry MRN $50
CHEM 2510 Lab Fee Chemistry MRN $50
CHEM 2540 Lab Fee Chemistry MRN $100
CHEM 2550 Lab Fee Chemistry MRN $100
CHEM 2610 Lab Fee Chemistry MRN $50
CHEM 2620 Lab Fee Chemistry MRN $50
CHEM 2920H Chemistry Laboratory Fee MRN $50
CHEM 2940H Chemistry Laboratory Fee MRN $50
CHEM 2950H Chemistry Laboratory Fee MRN $50
EARTHSC 2122H Lab Fee Earth Sci MRN $20
EARTHSC 2203 Lab Fee Earth Sci MRN $20
EARTHSC 2206 Lab Fee Earth Sci MRN $20
ECE 2000 Lab Fee Engineering MRN $50
ECE 2100 Lab Fee Engineering MRN $50
ECE 2300 Lab Fee Engineering MRN $50
KNSFHP 1102 MRN First Aid and CPR Lab Fee $20
PHYSICS 1200 Lab Fee Physics MRN $105
PHYSICS 1201 Lab Fee Physics MRN $105
PHYSICS 1250 Lab Fee Physics MRN $105
PHYSICS 1251 Lab Fee Physics MRN $105
Course Fee Fee Amount
ART 3004 Art Materials Fee NWK $25
BIOLOGY 1101 Lab Fee Biology NWK $80
BIOLOGY 1101E Lab Fee Biology NWK $80
BIOLOGY 1113.01 Lab Fee Biology NWK $30
BIOLOGY 1114.01 Lab Fee Biology NWK $30
CHEM 1110 Lab Fee Chemistry NWK $100
CHEM 1210 Lab Fee Chemistry NWK $125
CHEM 1220 Lab Fee Chemistry NWK $125
CHEM 1250 Lab Fee Chemistry NWK $50
CHEM 2510 Lab Fee Chemistry NWK $50
CHEM 2610 Lab Fee Chemistry NWK $50
CHEM 2620 Lab Fee Chemistry NWK $50
CHEM 2920H Lab Fee Chemistry NWK $50
CHEM 2940H Lab Fee Chemistry NWK $50
CHEM 2950H Lab Fee Chemistry NWK $50
EARTHSC 2122H Lab Fee Earth Sci NWK $20
EARTHSC 2203 Lab Fee Earth Sci NWK $20
ECE 2000 Lab Fee Engineering NWK $50
ECE 2100 Lab Fee Engineering NWK $50
ECE 2300 Lab Fee Engineering NWK $50
KNSFHP 1102 NWK First Aid and CPR Lab Fee $20
KNSFHP 1122 NWK First Aid and CPR Lab Fee $20
PHYSICS 1103 Lab Fee Physics NWK $35
PHYSICS 1200 Lab Fee Physics NWK $105
PHYSICS 1250 Lab Fee Physics NWK $105
PHYSICS 1251 Lab Fee Physics NWK $105

Additional Fees

Not all fees are represented above. Additional fees that may apply are detailed on the Explanation of Fees, Adjustments and Refunds page. 

Explanation of Fees, Adjustments and Refunds

Total Cost of Attendance
