Form 4887

Scantron form 4887. On the left side are areas to fill out name, sex, grade, birth date, identification number, and special codes. On the right are 10 possible responses for each question, coded A through J.
- Buckeye Link (student)
- Course enrollment information
- Degree Audit (students)
- Forms (students)
Ohio Residency for Tuition
- Step 1: What is Ohio Residency for Tuition?
- Step 2: Understand the Residency Guidelines & Classifications
- Step 3: Read the Frequently Asked Residency Questions
- Step 4: How to Apply for Ohio Residency for Tuition
- Step 5: Residency Reclassification Status & Decisions
- Residency Appeal
- Documents Requested for Ohio Residency for Tuition Purposes
- Immigration Status and Ohio Residency for Tuition
- Residency Support
- Residency and Your Time Out of State
- Selective Service Registration and In-State Tuition
- Student Evaluation of Instruction for students
- Testing Center
- Transcripts and Verifications
- Transfer Credit
- Tuition and Fees