Exam Scoring Services
The Testing Center provides classroom exam scoring analyses of multiple-choice exams. You can now:
- Access all necessary forms and make service requests via Microsoft Teams.
- See results as soon as they are scanned through your secure Teams channel.
General Office Information
Drop-off and Pick-Up Locations:
585 Student Academic Services Building
281 W Lane Ave
Columbus, OH 43210
Contact Information:
Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday
Phone: (614) 292-2241
Email: sae-testing@osu.edu
Fee Structure
Each batch/key will cost $5.00
- This will include any type of report offered, as well as a comma delimited file
- Additional reports will NOT count as an extra batch
- Examples:
- A group of scantrons with 2 keys designated with Group 1 reports will count as 2 batches
- A group of scantrons with 2 keys designated with Group 1 and Group 2 reports will count as 2 batches
Each exam sheet within a batch will cost $0.25 per sheet.
Things to know
Contact sae-testing@osu.edu to set up customer profile
Download and install Microsoft Teams on your computer.
Forms are available on the Registrar Forms website under "Testing Center" or within the “Exam Scoring” Team in Microsoft Teams.
First Drop-Off of the Semester:
The Exam Scoring Services only accepts specific Scranton forms for scanning. Below are linked examples of each form:
- Form 4521 - This form includes 5 possible responses for each question, options A, B, C, D, E
- Form 4887 - This form includes 10 possible responses for each question, options A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, and J
Scoring Keys:
You must provide a scoring key with your exams. A scoring key is the answer sheet containing the correct answers. There can only be one scoring key per batch. If you wish to use the same scoring key for more than one batch, write "use key to score all batches" in the "Special Requests" field of the Exam Scoring Request form.
Exam Scoring Report Options:
View our example report:
- Group 1 Results - View the definition of this report to better understand your data.
- Group 2 Results - View the definition of this report to better understand your data.
- .CSV file: Upon request, we will generate a comma delimited file to go with your selection of either Group 1 or Group 2 results. This file can be used with Microsoft Excel for your own analysis.
Reports will be uploaded to the “Exam Scoring” Team within Microsoft Teams. If unable to use Microsoft Teams, we ask that you come to the Testing Center with a portable storage device to transfer the necessary reports.
Frequently Asked Questions
Find frequently asked question about exam scoring services.