Financially Independent Students Frequently Asked Residency Questions
Answers to our most frequent questions are provided below.
The following are examples of income sources, if used within the 12-month period preceding the semester residency reclassification is desired, that would make a student ineligible for residency:
- Gifts from family or friends received during or up to 12 months prior to the review period that assist with living or tuition expenses regardless if the person is an Ohio resident, or not
- Any direct or indirect support from persons or entities (including family members) for living expenses or a reduction to living cost that is not commensurate to fair market value
- Savings that have not been in an account, in your name, for at least 24 consecutive months immediately preceding the first day of the term in which you desire reclassification.
- Employment income made during or up to 12 months prior to the review period that has not been subjected to Ohio taxation.
- PLUS loan money taken out by the student’s parents
- "Personal loans" or monies that do not come from:
- grants or scholarships
- loans from legitimate financial institutions
- loans from the federal government
- Financial aid that required you to be a resident of another state, including the National Buckeye Scholar Award from The Ohio State University
Employment income earned as cash is only eligible for residency if it is subject to Ohio taxation. It is the responsibility of the student to provide proof that the income has been subject to Ohio taxation, otherwise it is ineligible income.
Not necessarily. If you are trying to establish residency in Ohio, paying taxes in Ohio is an indicator of your intent to become an Ohio resident. However, you must meet all of the residency criteria to be eligible for residency for tuition purposes.
No. The state guidelines do not grant residency to individuals or their dependents solely on the basis that they own property or a business in Ohio.
Vehicles should be titled and registered in your name with the state of Ohio. Documentation may be requested to confirm purchase details, transfer records, and liens. See the Ineligible Income FAQ above for additional information about ineligible financial support.