Student walking on campus with red background

Waive Requirement (WR)


This exception is used when an entire sub-requirement is to be waived.

This exception is similar to “Waive Course,” “Waive Requirement,” and “Requirement Complete” exceptions.


A student has transfer credit for ENGLISH 2367.02. The college is waiving the first writing requirement.


Before the Exception


Screenshot of degree audit before exception



Entering the Exception


Step 1. Select “Exceptions” from the menu bar, then select the “Add Exception” button.


"add exception" button



Step 2. Select “Waive Requirement” from list of Exception Types.


list of exception options



Step 3. Enter the pseudo course of the requirement that is being waived, and then select click “Save.”


screenshot of text fields to enter pseudo course



After the Exception


screenshot of degree audit after exception