Student walking on campus with red background

Modify Codes (MC)


This exception allows you to append condition codes associated with a course. A condition code is a one-character code that identifies certain attributes of a course. For example, a condition code of “D” is assigned to duplicate courses that are not repeatable. Please contact your degree audit coordinator if you feel you need to modify a code to discuss the best way to handle it.


A student has repeat credit for PLNTPTH 5150. One version was awarded transfer (K) credit and the student retook the class and earned an A. The first exception example will show how to swap which instance of the course is assigned credit in the audit. The second example will show how to make both instances of the course count for credit.


Before the Exception

The degree audit program will default to awarding credit for the version of the class that does not impact the GPA (i.e., courses with marks of EM, K, and PE are awarded credit over repeated passing graded versions).

The letter graded course is not awarded credit:

PLNTPTH 5150 has 0 credit hours and a letter grade of A


The K credit class is counting in the audit:

PLNTHPTH 5150 has 2 credit hours as a transfer credit class



Entering the Exception to Switch Which Instance of the Course Is Reduce to 0 Credit


Step 1. Select “Exceptions” from the menu bar, then select the “Add Exception” button.


screenshot showing "add exception" button



Step 2. Select “Modify Codes” from list of Exception Types.


list of exception options



Step 3. Enter the Course, Term, and Condition Code and click “Save.”


screenshot of text fields to enter course, term, and condition code



Identify the course that is counting for credit that you would like to reduce to zero.

Term is displayed in the format YYYYT, where Y = the four-digit year, and T = term.


Term Options:

2 = Spring

3 = Summer

4 = Autumn


Note the original course number (for example, was it taken as STAT 1350 or 1350.01?). You need to use the original course number.


In Accept Code 1, enter D. This marks the course as a duplicate. This must be a capital D.

In Accept Code 2, enter X. This marks the course to be reduced to zero credit. It must be a capital X.


After the Exception

The K credit instance is now reduced to 0 credit.

PLNTPTH 5150 is listed as 0 credit hours as a transfer course


The letter graded version is now counting in the audit. 

PLNTPTH 5150 has 2 credit hours and a letter grade of A



Entering the Exception to Allow Both Instances of the Course to Count for Credit


Follow Steps 1 & 2 listed above.

Step 3. Enter the Course, Term, and Condition Code


screenshot showing text fields to enter exception information



Term is only needed for a Modify Codes exception when multiple instances of the course exist on the audit. Term is displayed in the format YYYYT, where Y = the four digit year, and T = term.


Term Options:

2 = Spring

3 = Summer

4 = Autumn


In Accept Code 1, enter D. This marks the course as a duplicate. This must be a capital D.

If you want to have both versions of the course to count in the audit, you can leave Accept Code 2 blank.


After the Exception

Both instances of the course are now counting for credit in the degree audit.


screenshot of degree audit after exception and both courses have credit hours listed



List of Commonly Used Condition Codes

Table 1. Commonly Used Condition Codes
Condition Code Definition

Assigned to courses with grades of "B" or better


Assigned to courses with grades of "C+" or better


Assigned to courses with grades of "C" or better


Assigned to courses with grades of "C-" or better

N Assigned to courses with a failing grade (E, NP, U)
P Assigned to courses with a final grade of PA or NP
S Assigned to any course with a final grade of S or U
T Assigned to any course with a "T" prefix (technical courses)
D Assigned to duplicate courses which are not repeatable (as noted in the Course Catalog); appending a "D" to a course will prevent it from being considered a "duplicate"