Student walking on campus with red background

Exchange Course (XC)


This exception allows you to exchange or “swap” a student’s course for an acceptable course. This exception is similar to “Course Substitution,” but the student’s course retains its own identity.


A student was approved to use PSYCH S000.02 in place of PSYCH 1100 in the Social Science GE.


Before the Exception


screenshot of degree audit before exception and psychology requirement is incomplete



Entering the Exception


Step 1. Select “Exceptions” from the menu bar, then select the “Add Exception” button.


"add exception" button



Step 2. Select “Exchange Course” from list of Exception Types.


list of exception options



Step 3. Enter the pseudo course for the sub-requirement being modified, and then select “Add Course” toward the bottom.


screenshot of text field to enter pseudo course name and "add course" button



Step 4. Enter the course (using the course mask) into the Course and Replacement Course fields, and then click “Add to List.”


screenshot showing text fields to add exception information



Step 5. Click “Return.”


screenshot showing "return" button



Step 6. Click “Save.”


screenshot of "save" button



After the Exception


screenshot showing degree audit after the exception, and psychology requirement is complete