Room and Class Scheduling Office
Scheduling Policies and Procedures
The scheduling office is responsible for the placement of classes, events and activities into classroom pool rooms. The goal of scheduling is to schedule classroom space in such a way as to match the needs of the user with the current resources available and accomplish this in the most efficient, equitable and accurate manner possible. In an effort to be fair to all users, it is the practice of the scheduling office to provide classroom pool space to its users while being sensitive to issues of time and location proximity when placing classes in classrooms. This task is accomplished using "Need Based Assignments" within published deadlines. Note: Approved and scheduled classes, events, and activities are subject to change.
Scheduling will provide rooms as available, and with priority given for academic classes and other academic activities. When necessary, confirmed events may need to be moved or changed to accommodate academic classes or activities.
Classroom pool use
- In order to maximize the use of classroom pool spaces, departments are asked to conform to the meeting patterns, philosophy, and space and scheduling guidelines that are outlined in the approved weekly schedule.
- Please be courteous to other users by remembering to completely erase all boards, return all furniture to its appropriate location (furniture layout diagram is provided near the door of each room), keep all furniture in its original classroom and respect the transition time between classes.
- In the interest of maintaining a comfortable learning environment, bringing food or drink into the spaces, or removing furniture from them, is prohibited.
Exams and review sessions
All exams and reviews must be requested in advance through scheduling using the following guidelines:
- Review sessions: must be requested by Wednesday in the week prior to the session.
- Common final exams: must be requested approximately 2 months prior to the start of classes for any term.
- Common midterms: must be requested approximately 3 months prior to the start of classes for any term.
For specific dates, please visit the section labeled "scheduling calendar" below.
Maintenance and room renovations
- Minor maintenance should be scheduled at least one day in advance. The repair work must be done before, in-between or after scheduled class times. The inquiry for available times should be directed to the classroom logistics coordinator.
- Work requiring the closure of a classroom during an academic term must be scheduled one year in advance.
- Maintenance or upgrade work that is planned to begin and completed during a break can be scheduled with the classroom logistics coordinator. Work during breaks should be scheduled as early as possible.
Data Requests
- Data requests regarding the schedule of classes may be made via email to the Senior Assistant Registrar.
- In your request, please include details of the data you seek (be as specific as possible / use field names), the purpose of the request / what the data will be used for, and who it will be shared with.
- Requests require at least 2 weeks to fulfill, possibly longer based on time of year / complexity of request.