Syllabus Upload Website Instructions

- Login to the Syllabus Upload Website
- You should have a list of all the courses you are assigned to in Buckeye Link. It should be noted that your access to upload documents to a specific class section is contingent upon being added as a Primary Instructor in Buckeye Link. If you need to be added as an instructor to a class section in Buckeye Link, please contact your department’s scheduling contact. You should see something similar to the figure below
- In this example, we will be adding a syllabus to a section of ECE 6999 (Class Number 12903, Class Section 496).
- Click on the ‘Add’ hyperlink.
- The Document Uploader will pop Make sure that the Subject, Course Number, and Section match the section to which you are assigned in Buckeyelink.
- Click on the drop down menu next to Document Type.
- Select the type of document you will be You can select from Syllabi, Reading List, and Equip/Supply List.
- Click on the drop down menu next to Print Instructor.
- Select your name.
- Click the ‘Choose File’ button.
- Navigate to the document you are PDFs are preferable for consistency of format.
- Click ‘Open’.
- Then click ‘Upload Document’.
- This will upload the document into the website’s searchable files.
- If you need to replace a document you have previously uploaded, you may do so by clicking the ‘Replace’ hyperlink. Follow steps 5-13 to upload the updated document.