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Student Evaluation of Instruction (SEI) for Faculty

The purpose of the SEI, as it was designed, is to provide a standardized survey instrument for the collection of student feedback on the quality of instruction. This feedback is used as just one of several methods of assessing teaching effectiveness when making personnel decisions regarding promotion, tenure, and merit pay.


Comments are included by default. You must exclude comments if you do not want them as part of your SEI. There are three ways to access this:

  1. CarmenCanvas in your SEI Center
  2. Directly in Blue
  3. Link in email sent to you from after classes begin

You must exclude comments before the SEI activates.

When a grade is posted for a student, that student will lose access to complete the SEI overnight. In order to maximize response rates, instructors should wait until the final exam period begins to post grades.

Faculty can access the "SEI Center" in Carmen. There are three items in the SEI Center:

  1. SEI Comment Settings: exclude comments
  2. Response Rate: view real-time response rate
  3. SEI Reports: link to reports when available

The Student link in Carmen is called "Student Evaluation of Instruction" and can be used to access surveys and results. 

Instructors can view their response rate during the evaluation period. There are three ways to access this: 

  1. Link in email sent to you from when the SEI was activated
  2. CarmenCanvas in the SEI Center 
  3. Directly in Blue

Reminder: If you assign a grade to a student, access to the SEI is removed for that student overnight. Once removed, the student can no longer complete an SEI. In order to maximize response rates, you should wait until the final exam period begins to post grades.

To change the SEI set up for your course, email  Please include the subject and catalog number and the four- or five- digit class number of the course.

  • Remove multiple/redundant components (one class with SEIs for LEC, LAB, REC):
    • Let us know which classes should be removed.  
  • Opt in or opt out:
    • If opting out of SEIs, you must provide the reason your SEI is not needed, and you must copy your department chair, director or course coordinator. 
  • Change activation start date:
    • Include the date the SEI should activate. Remember surveys must be active for at least 5 days.
    • The deactivation date should not be changed.
  • Comments: Comments are included by default. You can exclude comments if you do not want them as a part of your SEI.