Academic Certificates header

Undergraduate Stand-alone Certificates (1a and 2)

Program: School of Health and Rehabilitation Science
Plan code: ASRHTCU-CR
Career: Undergraduate
Category: Stand-alone Certificate (2)
Website: Assistive and Rehabilitative Technology
Start date: September 18, 2019

*also available as a 3a (graduate stand-alone) certificate

Program: College of Arts and Sciences
Plan code: BLKST1A-CR and BLKST2-CR
Career: Undergraduate
Category: Stand-alone Certificate (1a and 2)
Website: Black Studies
Start date: March 1, 2023

*also available as a 1b (undergraduate embedded) certificate

Program: College of Arts and Sciences
Plan code: CLCHG1A-CR and CLCHG2-CR
Career: Undergraduate
Category: Stand-alone Certificate (1a and 2)
Website: Climate Change Fundamentals
Start date: February 15, 2023

*also available as a 1b (undergraduate embedded) certificate

Program: College of Arts and Sciences
Plan code: CAOL2-CR
Career: Undergraduate
Category: Stand-alone Certificate (2)
Website: Computational Analysis of Language
Start date: April 21, 2021

*also available as a 1b (undergraduate embedded) certificate

Program: College of Arts and Sciences
Plan Code: CNDIP1A-CR and CNDIP2-CR
Career: Undergraduate
Category: Stand-alone certificate (1a and 2)
Website: Conflict and Diplomacy in History
Start date: December 6, 2023

*also available as a 1b (undergraduate embedded) certificate

Program: College of Arts and Sciences
Career: Undergraduate
Category: Stand-alone Certificate (2)
Website: Diversity Equity and Inclusion
Start date: May 2, 2019

Program: College of Arts and Sciences
Plan code: EMESA2-CR
Career: Undergraduate
Category: Stand-alone certificate (2)
Website: Encountering Middle Eastern and South Asian Cultures
Start date: July 15, 2024

*also available as a 1b (undergraduate embedded) certificate

Program: College of Arts and Sciences
Career: Undergraduate
Category: Stand-alone Certificate (1a)
Website: Essential Skills for Travel and Business in Russia
Start date: November 6, 2019

Program: Agricultural Technical Institute - College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
Plan Code: FEEDM1A-CR
Career: Undergraduate
Category: Stand-alone certificate (1a)
Website: Feed Mill Operations
Start date: November 1, 2023

Program: College of Arts and Sciences
Career: Undergraduate
Category: Stand-alone Certificate (1a)
Website: Forensic Anthropology
Start date: January 20, 2021

Program: College of Education and Human Ecology
Career: Undergraduate
Category: Stand-alone Certificate (1a)
Website: Fundamentals of Hospitality Services
Start date: June 22, 2017

Program: School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Plan Code: MEDCO1A-CR
Career: Undergraduate
Category: Stand-alone Certificate (1a)
Website: Health Care Revenue Cycle and Data Analytics
Start date: September 15, 2021

*also available as a 3a (graduate stand-alone) certificate

Program: College of Education and Human Ecology
Career: Undergraduate
Category: Stand-alone Certificate (1a)
Start date: May 2, 2019

Program: College of Medicine
Career: Undergraduate
Category: Stand-alone Certificate (2)
Website: Histotechnology
Start date: August 3, 2017

Program: College of Education and Human Ecology
Career: Undergraduate
Category: Stand-alone Certificate (1a)
Website: Hospitality and Retail Leadership
Start date: June 22, 2017

Program: Agricultural Technical Institute
Plan Code: HYDSERV-CR 
Career: Undergraduate
Category: Stand-alone Certificate (1a)
Website: Hydraulic Service and Repair
Start date: June 11, 2012

Program: College of Arts and Sciences
Plan Code: HYGEO2-CR
Career: Undergraduate
Category: Stand-alone Certificate (2)
Website: Hydrogeology
Start date: June 1, 2020

*also available as a 3a (graduate stand-alone) certificate

Program: College of Engineering
Plan Code: MFGFOU-CR
Career: Undergraduate
Category: Stand-alone Certificate (1a)
Website: Manufacturing Foundations
Start date: July 28, 2021

Program: College of Arts and Sciences
Plan Code: MEDAN2-CR
Career: Undergraduate
Category: Stand-alone Certificate (2)
Website: Medical Anthropology
Start date: July 28, 2021

*also available as a 1b (undergraduate embedded) certificate

Program: School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Plan Code: MEDLBS-CR
Career: Undergraduate
Category: Stand-alone certificate (1a)
Website: Medical Laboratory Science
Start date: May 4, 2011

Program: College of Arts and Sciences
Plan Code: NHMUS2-CR
Career: Undergraduate
Category: Stand-alone certificate (2)
Website: Natural History Museum Curation
Start date: June 1, 2020

*also available as a 1b (undergraduate embedded) and a 3a (graduate stand-alone) certificate

Program: College of Nursing
Plan Code: SCHHLT-CR
Career: Undergraduate
Category: Stand-alone certificate (1a)
Website: Nursing in School Health Services
Start date: September 20, 2017

Program: College of Arts and Sciences
Plan Code: PTGEO2-CR
Career: Undergraduate
Category: Stand-alone certificate (2)
Website: Petroleum Geology
Start date: June 1, 2020

*also available as a 1b (undergraduate embedded) and a 3a (graduate stand-alone) certificate

Program: College of Nursing
Career: Undergraduate
Category: Stand-alone certificate (1a)
Website: Registered Nurse in Primary Care
Start date: December 5, 2018

Program: College of Arts and Sciences
Plan Code: SRSES1A-CR and SRSES2-CR
Career: Undergraduate
Category: Stand-alone certificate (1a and 2)
Website: Sustainable and Resilient Social and Ecological Systems
Start date: October 5, 2022

*also available as a 1b (undergraduate embedded) certificate

Program: College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
Plan Code: SEE1A-CR
Career: Undergraduate
Category: Stand-alone Certificate (1a)
Website: Sustainable Energy and the Economy
Start date: September 18, 2024

Program: Agricultural Technical Institute
Career: Undergraduate
Category: Stand-alone certificate (1a)
Website: Turfgrass Equipment Manager
Start date: July 6, 2011

Program: School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Plan Code: USEHL1A-CR
Career: Undergraduate
Category: Stand-alone certificate (1a)
Website: Usability and User Experience in Healthcare
Start date: June 1, 2020

*also available as a 3a (graduate stand-alone) certificate

Program: College of Arts and Sciences
Plan Code: WICKS1A-CR and WICKS2-CR
Career: Undergraduate
Category: Stand-alone certificate (1a and 2)
Website: Wicked Sciences
Start date: December 6, 2023

*also available as a 1b (undergraduate embedded) certificate