Student walking on campus with red background

Graduate Tuition and Fees 2023-2024 (2023-2024 Archive)

The Ohio State University's tuition and fees are set by the Board of Trustees; and as mandated by the State of Ohio. Tuition and fees may vary by college and academic program. In addition, students should anticipate expenses such as books, supplies, travel, recreation and personal items. The university reserves the right to assess fees for special services and programs applicable to students.

Autumn 2023, Spring 2024 and Summer 2024 Tuition and Fee Tables


Instructional Fee *

General Fee *

Student Union Fee*

Non-Resident Surcharge (Flat Rate)

Non-Resident Surcharge*

Graduate and Ph.D. programs not listed below






Distance Learning Programs not listed below1

Exclusively enrolled in Distance Learning classes for the semester/term






Distance Learning Programs not listed below1

Exclusively enrolled in for-credit online degree or certificate program(s) listed at Ohio State Online






Doctor of Audiology






Certificate in Business Strategy for IT Leaders – Distance Learning2






Cybersecurity Offense and Defense Graduate Certificate – Distance Learning2






Cybersecurity Studies: Design and Implementation Graduate Certificate – Distance Learning2






Doctor of Nursing Education






Doctor of Nursing Education – Distance Learning2






Doctor of Nursing Practice3






Doctor of Nursing Practice - Distance Learning2,3






Doctor of Occupational Therapy4






Doctor of Physical Therapy






Graduate Minor in Business for Health Sciences5






Master of Accounting6






Master of Agricultural and Extension Education – Distance Learning2






Master of Business Administration (MBA)6






Master of Business Administration - Executive






Master of Business Admin. for Working Professionals6






Master of Business Admin. for Working Professionals - Online2






Master of Business Operational Excellence (MBOE)7






Master of Dietetics and Nutrition






Master of Engineering Management- Distance Learning2,9






Master of Genetic Counseling8






Master of Global Engineering Leadership - Distance Learning2,9






Master of Health Administration






Master of Human Resource Management (MHRM)6






Master of Public Health






Master of Science in Nursing10






Master of Science in Nursing – Distance Learning2,10






Master of Social Work – On Campus11






Master of Social Work – Distance Learning2






Master of Speech-Language Pathology






Master of Supply Chain Management – Distance Learning2






Masters of Translational Data Analytics






Masters of Translational Data Analytics – Distance Learning2






Master in the Study of Law – Part-time






Master in the Study of Law – Full-time






Micro-Certification in Fin Tech Fundamentals - Distance Learning12






Professional Master of Structural Engineering






Public Health Program for Experienced Professionals - Distance Learning2






Specialized Master in Business - Analytics13






Specialized Master in Business Finance14






*Students pay a half credit hour fee for 0.0-0.5 credit hour. Per credit hour fee is not to exceed the total cost of 8 credit hours.

1For non-resident students exclusively enrolled in a for-credit online degree or certificate program listed at Ohio State Online, the Distance Education Non-Resident Surcharge is $200 per student per term, otherwise the Non-Resident Surcharge is $1,662.56 per credit hour.

2All on-site fees are waived, and the non-resident tuition is reduced to $200.

3This program is primarily a distance learning program, with a few students who are enrolled on campus. Graduate Nursing students also pay a learning technology ($199.80) and program fee ($1,249.60).

4The Occupational Therapy program transitioned from a Masters to a Doctoral degree program beginning in Summer 2016.

5Summer term program-based fee. The program transitioned from 6 to 8 hours per semester and fees were reduced beginning in Summer 2017.

6Students in this program also pay a $261 Learning Technology fee prorated by credit hour.

7Students in this program also pay a $261 Learning Technology fee prorated by credit hour. Figures are based on program-based fees.

8The Genetic Counseling program reduced the non-resident tuition $5,000 beginning in Autumn 2018.

9Each additional credit hour above 8.0 will have additional Instructional Fee and General Fee.

10Graduate Nursing students also pay a learning technology ($199.80) and program fee ($1,249.60). Students enrolled in an online program in the College of Nursing will pay a Nursing Distance Learning Fee of $190 in place of the Learning Technology Fee; site-based fees, including Student Activity Fee, Recreational Fee, Student Union Fee, and COTA Bus Fee will be replaced by the university's general $100 Distance Learning Fee.

11Students in this program may also pay a field practicum fee of $94.50/semester.

12Figures for SMB-Analytics program are based on program-based fees. Students enrolled in this program attend full-time two semesters and 7.5 credit hours in the third semester. For students taking all distance courses, all on-site fees are waived, and the non-resident tuition is reduced to $200.

13This online certificate program is a total of 4.5 credit hours with a rate of $945 per credit hour.

14Students in this program also pay a $261 Learning Technology fee prorated by credit hour. Figures for EMBA are based on program-based fees.

Program Instructional Fee* General Fee* Non-Resident Surcharge
(Flat Fee)
Non-Resident Surcharge*
All Graduate and Ph.D. programs $777.88 $16.19   $1,733.13
Distance Learning Programs1
Exclusively enrolled in DL classes for the semester/term
$777.88 $16.19   $1,733.13
Distance Learning Programs1
Exclusively enrolled in for-credit online degree or certificate program(s) listed at Ohio State Online
$777.88 $16.19 $200.00  

*Students pay a half credit hour fee for 0.0-0.5 credit hour. Per credit hour fee is not to exceed the total cost of 8 credit hours.

1For non-resident students exclusively enrolled in a for-credit online degree or certificate program listed at Ohio State Online, the Distance Education Non-Resident Surcharge is $200 per student per term, otherwise the Non-Resident Surcharge is $1,733.13 per credit hour.           

Per Credit Hour Fees

Some programs charge a Learning Technology Fee and/or a Program Fee to pay for certain program related expenses. If enrolled in one of the programs listed below, the per credit hour fee will be charged based on a student’s course load (total enrollment hours) for the semester.


Per Credit Hour
(1-6 credit hours)

Total Cost
(6+ credit hours)
Not listed below No Fee No Fee
Art $27.00 $162.00
Business (except for Pre-Bachelor of Science in Business Admin and Re-Exploration) $43.50 $261.00
Education & Human Ecology  $31.50 $189.00
Engineering  $42.50 $255.00
Food, Agriculture & Environment Science1  $8.20 $49.20
Medicine  $11.00 $66.00
Nursing2 $33.30 $199.80
Public Affairs  $30.00 $180.00

1Specific Agriculture majors and plans only.

2Students enrolled in an online program in the College of Nursing will pay a Nursing Distance Learning Fee of $190 in place of the Learning Technology Fee; site-based fees, including Student Activity Fee, Recreational Fee, Student Union Fee, and COTA Bus Fee will be replaced by the university's general $100 Distance Learning Fee.

Program Per Credit Hour
(1-8 credit hours) 
Total Cost
(8+ credit hours) 
Education & Human Ecology1  $104.00 $832.00

Business - Master of Business Operational Excellence (MBOE)2

n/a $1,000.00

Nursing (nurse anesthesia specialty track – BSN to DNP)

n/a $5,000.00
Nursing (students enrolled prior to Fall 2013)  $125.00 $1,000.00

Nursing (students enrolled Fall 2013 and subsequent terms) 

$156.20 $1,249.60

Nursing (students in the NURBSN-DNP with the subplan CRN)

$156.20 $1,249.60

1Beginning in Autumn 2019, master-level students enrolled in the Master of Science in Human Development and Family Science, Specialization in Couple and Family Therapy program.

2Beginning spring 2024.

Per Semester Fees

All Non-Distance Learning Programs have the following fees per semester: 

Fee Fee Amount
Student Activity Fee $37.50
Recreational Fee - The recreation fee is a flat fee for four or more credit hours.  $126.50
COTA Fee - The COTA fee goes to the Central Ohio Transit Authority for student bus passes.  $13.50

All Distance Learning programs (All Campuses) have a $100 Distance Learning Program Fee.

Course fee(s) are designed to fund additional costs for specific courses. Any courses that require added materials and/or equipment will have this fee assessed each semester/term. The college or plan (major) determines the level of the course fee. To see if a particular course has a fee, review the course fee list below.

All graduate courses are listed as Columbus regardless of the campus location of the course.

Course Fee Fee Amount
ANATOMY 2210 COM Anatomy Course Fee $100
ANATOMY 6100 COM Anatomy Course Fee $100
ANATOMY 6511 COM Anatomy Course Fee $100
ANATOMY 6512 COM Anatomy Course Fee $75
ANATOMY 6700 COM Anatomy Course Fee $100
ANATOMY 6700 COM Anatomy Course Fee $100
ANATOMY 6800 COM Anatomy Course Fee $50
ANATOMY 6900 COM Anatomy Course Fee $150
ANATOMY 7310 COM Anatomy Course Fee $50
ANATOMY 8140 COM Anatomy Course Fee $50
ART 3207 Sculpture Materials Fee $120
ART 4106 Art Materials Fee $180
ART 4301 Art Materials Fee $60
ART 4902 Ceramics Materials Fee $120
ART 5193.50 Photography Materials Fee $120
ART 5193.70 Sculpture Materials Fee $120
ART 5194.70 Sculpture Materials Fee $120
ART 5202 Art Materials Fee $90
ART 5202 Art Materials Fee $180
ART 5302 Art Materials Fee $120
ART 5335 Digital Media Materials Fee $120
ART 5558 Art Materials Fee $120
ART 5995 Printmaking Materials Fee $120
ART 6692 Art Materials Fee $120
ART 6693 Art Materials Fee $120
ART 6695 Art Materials Fee $120
ART 6696 Art Materials Fee $120
ART 6697 Art Materials Fee $120
ART 7792 Art Materials Fee $180
ART 7793 Art Materials Fee $240
ART 7795 Art Materials Fee $120
ART 7796 Art Materials Fee $120
ART 7797 Art Materials Fee $120
ART 8893 Art Materials Fee $240
ART 8895 Art Materials Fee $120
ART 8896 Art Materials Fee $120
ART 8897 Art Materials Fee $120
AVIATN 2101 Airport class fee $7,910
AVIATN 2101.01 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 2101.02 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 2102 Airport class fee $8,475
AVIATN 2102.01 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 2102.02 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 2102.03 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 2102.04 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 2501 Airport class fee $9,040
AVIATN 2501.01 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 2501.02 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 2501.03 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 2501.04 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 2501.05 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 3101 Airport class fee $10,961
AVIATN 3101.01 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 3101.02 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 3101.03 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 4101 Airport class fee $16,950
AVIATN 4101.01 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 4101.02 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 4301 Airport class fee $6,780
AVIATN 5101 Airport class fee $7,910
AVIATN 5101.01 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 5101.02 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 5101.03 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 5101.04 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 5101.06 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 5102 Airport class fee $7,345
AVIATN 5201 Airport class fee $3,000
BIOCHEM 5621 Bio Chem Lab Fee $84
BIOCHEM 5621 Biology Lab Fee $84
BIOCHEM 6706 Bio Chem Lab Fee $84
BIOLOGY 1101 Biology Lab Fee $134
BIOLOGY 1101E Columbus Biological Sciences Laboratory $134
BIOLOGY 1113 Bio Chem Lab Fee $150
BIOLOGY 1113 Biology Lab Fee $150
BIOLOGY 1113H Bio Chem Lab Fee $150
BIOLOGY 1113H Biology Lab Fee $150
BIOLOGY 1114 Biology Lab Fee $134
BIOLOGY 1114H Biology Lab Fee $134
BIOLOGY 2100 Bio Chem Lab Fee $150
CHEM 1110 Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 1210 Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 1220 Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 1250 Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 1610 Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 1620 Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 1910H Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 1920H Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 2210 Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 2210H Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 2540 Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 2550 Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 2940H Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 2950H Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 4410 Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 4550 Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 4880 Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 7480 Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
EDUTL 1001 American Language Program Fee $8,185
EDUTL 1002 American Language Program Fee $8,185
EDUTL 1003 American Language Program Fee $8,185
EDUTL 1004 American Language Program Fee $8,185
EDUTL 1005 American Language Program Fee $8,185
EDUTL 1006 American Language Program Fee $8,185
EDUTL 1007 American Language Program Fee $8,185
EDUTL 1010 American Language Program Fee $8,185
EEOB 7210 Bio Chem Lab Fee $20
EEOB 7310 Bio Chem Lab Fee $60
KNSFHP 1102 EHE First Aid and CPR Lab Fee $20
KNSFHP 1143.02 EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe $10
KNSFHP 1151 EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe $10
KNSFHP 1154.02 EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe $10
KNSFHP 1164.01 EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe $10
KNSFHP 1164.02 EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe $10
KNSFHP 1169.01 EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe $10
KNSFHP 1169.03 EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe $10
KNSFHP 1169.05 EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe $10
KNSFHP 1169.08 EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe $10
KNSFHP 1169.10 EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe $10
KNSFHP 1170.02 EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe $10
KNSFHP 1171.01 EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe $10
KNSFHP 1171.02 EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe $10
KNSFHP 1175.02 EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe $10
KNSFHP 1182.01 EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe $10
KNSFHP 1182.02 EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe $10
KNSFHP 1185.02 EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe $10
KNSFHP 1188.02 EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe $10
KNSFHP 1195.03 EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe $10
MOLGEN 1101 Bio Chem Lab Fee $90
MOLGEN 5643 Bio Chem Lab Fee $60
MUSIC 1101.01 School of Music Program Fee $60
MUSIC 1101.02 School of Music Program Fee $60
MUSIC 1101.35 School of Music Program Fee $60
MUSIC 1101.41 School of Music Program Fee $60
MUSIC 2216.11 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.12 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.21 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.31 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.32 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.34 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.36 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.37 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.41 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.42 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.43 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.44 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.45 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.46 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.47 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.51 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.52 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.53 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.54 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.55 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.56 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.57 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.71 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.72 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.91 School of Music Program Fee $1121
OCCTHER 6110 Occup Ther Initial Course Fee $375
PHYSICS 1200 Laboratory Fee--Physics $300
PHYSICS 1201 Laboratory Fee--Physics $300
PHYSICS 1210 Laboratory Fee--Physics $75
PHYSICS 1211 Laboratory Fee--Physics $75
PHYSICS 1240 Laboratory Fee--Physics $75
PHYSICS 1241 Laboratory Fee--Physics $75
PHYSICS 1250 Laboratory Fee--Physics $300
PHYSICS 1250H Laboratory Fee--Physics $300
PHYSICS 1251 Laboratory Fee--Physics $300
PHYSICS 1251H Laboratory Fee--Physics $300
PHYSICS 1260 Laboratory Fee--Physics $300
PHYSICS 1261 Laboratory Fee--Physics $300
PHYSTHR 6021 Phys Ther Initial Course Fee $500

Course fee(s) are designed to fund additional costs for specific courses. Any courses that require added materials and/or equipment will have this fee assessed each semester/term. The college or plan (major) determines the level of the course fee. To see if a particular course has a fee, review the course fee list below.

All graduate courses are listed as Columbus regardless of the campus location of the course.

Course Fee Fee Amount
ANATOMY 2210 COM Anatomy Course Fee $100
ANATOMY 6100 COM Anatomy Course Fee $100
ANATOMY 6511 COM Anatomy Course Fee $100
ANATOMY 6512 COM Anatomy Course Fee $75
ANATOMY 6700 COM Anatomy Course Fee $100
ANATOMY 6700 COM Anatomy Course Fee $100
ANATOMY 6800 COM Anatomy Course Fee $50
ANATOMY 6900 COM Anatomy Course Fee $150
ANATOMY 7310 COM Anatomy Course Fee $50
ANATOMY 8140 COM Anatomy Course Fee $50
ART 3207 Sculpture Materials Fee $120
ART 4106 Art Materials Fee $180
ART 4301 Art Materials Fee $60
ART 4902 Ceramics Materials Fee $120
ART 5193.50 Photography Materials Fee $120
ART 5193.70 Sculpture Materials Fee $120
ART 5194.70 Sculpture Materials Fee $120
ART 5202 Art Materials Fee $90
ART 5202 Art Materials Fee $180
ART 5302 Art Materials Fee $120
ART 5335 Digital Media Materials Fee $120
ART 5558 Art Materials Fee $120
ART 5995 Printmaking Materials Fee $120
ART 6692 Art Materials Fee $120
ART 6693 Art Materials Fee $120
ART 6695 Art Materials Fee $120
ART 6696 Art Materials Fee $120
ART 6697 Art Materials Fee $120
ART 7792 Art Materials Fee $180
ART 7793 Art Materials Fee $240
ART 7795 Art Materials Fee $120
ART 7796 Art Materials Fee $120
ART 7797 Art Materials Fee $120
ART 8893 Art Materials Fee $240
ART 8895 Art Materials Fee $120
ART 8896 Art Materials Fee $120
ART 8897 Art Materials Fee $120
AVIATN 1000.01 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 1000.02 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 1000.03 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 1000.04 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 1000.05 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 1000.06 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 1000.07 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 1000.08 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 1000.09 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 1000.10 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 1000.11 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 1000.12 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 1000.13 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 1000.14 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 1000.15 Airport class fee $1,000
AVIATN 2101 Airport class fee $8,200
AVIATN 2102 Airport class fee $11,700
AVIATN 2501 Airport class fee $11,600
AVIATN 3101 Airport class fee $12,400
AVIATN 4101 Airport class fee $11,300
AVIATN 4102 Airport class fee $12,200
AVIATN 4301 Airport class fee $6,200
AVIATN 5101 Airport class fee $9,000
AVIATN 5102 Airport class fee $7,000
AVIATN 5201 Airport class fee $3,500
BIOCHEM 5621 Bio Chem Lab Fee $84
BIOCHEM 5621 Biology Lab Fee $84
BIOCHEM 6706 Bio Chem Lab Fee $84
BIOLOGY 1101 Biology Lab Fee $134
BIOLOGY 1101E Columbus Biological Sciences Laboratory $134
BIOLOGY 1113.01 Bio Chem Lab Fee $150
BIOLOGY 1113.01 Biology Lab Fee $150
BIOLOGY 1113H Bio Chem Lab Fee $150
BIOLOGY 1113H Biology Lab Fee $150
BIOLOGY 1114.01 Biology Lab Fee $134
BIOLOGY 1114H Biology Lab Fee $134
BIOLOGY 2100 Bio Chem Lab Fee $150
CHEM 1110 Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 1210 Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 1220 Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 1250 Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 1610 Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 1620 Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 1910H Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 1920H Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 2210 Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 2210H Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 2540 Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 2550 Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 2940H Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 2950H Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 4410 Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 4550 Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 4880 Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
CHEM 7480 Laboratory Fee--Chemistry $225
EDUTL 1001 American Language Program Fee $8,185
EDUTL 1002 American Language Program Fee $8,185
EDUTL 1003 American Language Program Fee $8,185
EDUTL 1004 American Language Program Fee $8,185
EDUTL 1005 American Language Program Fee $8,185
EDUTL 1006 American Language Program Fee $8,185
EDUTL 1007 American Language Program Fee $8,185
EDUTL 1010 American Language Program Fee $8,185
EEOB 7210 Bio Chem Lab Fee $20
EEOB 7310 Bio Chem Lab Fee $60
KNSFHP 1102 EHE First Aid and CPR Lab Fee $20
KNSFHP 1143.02 EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe $10
KNSFHP 1151 EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe $10
KNSFHP 1154.02 EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe $10
KNSFHP 1164.01 EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe $10
KNSFHP 1164.02 EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe $10
KNSFHP 1169.01 EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe $10
KNSFHP 1169.03 EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe $10
KNSFHP 1169.05 EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe $10
KNSFHP 1169.08 EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe $10
KNSFHP 1169.10 EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe $10
KNSFHP 1170.02 EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe $10
KNSFHP 1171.01 EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe $10
KNSFHP 1171.02 EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe $10
KNSFHP 1175.02 EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe $10
KNSFHP 1182.01 EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe $10
KNSFHP 1182.02 EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe $10
KNSFHP 1185.02 EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe $10
KNSFHP 1188.02 EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe $10
KNSFHP 1195.03 EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe $10
MOLGEN 1101 Bio Chem Lab Fee $90
MOLGEN 5643 Bio Chem Lab Fee $60
MUSIC 1101.01 School of Music Program Fee $60
MUSIC 1101.02 School of Music Program Fee $60
MUSIC 1101.35 School of Music Program Fee $60
MUSIC 1101.41 School of Music Program Fee $60
MUSIC 2216.11 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.12 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.21 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.31 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.32 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.34 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.36 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.37 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.41 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.42 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.43 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.44 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.45 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.46 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.47 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.51 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.52 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.53 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.54 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.55 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.56 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.57 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.71 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.72 School of Music Program Fee $1121
MUSIC 2216.91 School of Music Program Fee $1121
OCCTHER 6110 Occup Ther Initial Course Fee $375
PHYSICS 1200 Laboratory Fee--Physics $300
PHYSICS 1201 Laboratory Fee--Physics $300
PHYSICS 1210 Laboratory Fee--Physics $75
PHYSICS 1211 Laboratory Fee--Physics $75
PHYSICS 1240 Laboratory Fee--Physics $75
PHYSICS 1241 Laboratory Fee--Physics $75
PHYSICS 1250 Laboratory Fee--Physics $300
PHYSICS 1250H Laboratory Fee--Physics $300
PHYSICS 1251 Laboratory Fee--Physics $300
PHYSICS 1251H Laboratory Fee--Physics $300
PHYSICS 1260 Laboratory Fee--Physics $300
PHYSICS 1261 Laboratory Fee--Physics $300
PHYSTHR 6021 Phys Ther Initial Course Fee $500

1Amount per credit hour

Additional Fees

Not all fees are represented above. Additional fees that may apply are detailed on the Explanation of Fees, Adjustments and Refunds page. 

View Additional Fees that may apply

Total Cost of Attendance

Tuition and fees detailed on this page do not include housing, and dining options, financial aid or scholarships. Student Financial Aid provides a cost of attendance tool that provides an early estimate of your total cost of attending The Ohio State University as a graduate or professional student:

View the Cost of Attendance Tool for Graduate and Professional Students
