Tuition and Fees Header

Tuition and Fees

The Ohio State University's tuition and fees are set by the Board of Trustees; and as mandated by the State of Ohio. Tuition and fees may vary by college and academic program. In addition, students should anticipate expenses such as books, supplies, travel, recreation and personal items. The university reserves the right to assess fees for special services and programs applicable to students.

Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate Student Fee Tables

Professional Students

Professional Student Fee Tables

Regional Campus versus Columbus Campus Fees

Students are billed based on the campus where the student is registered for the majority of credit hours. Students who have been registered through a regional campus may only be switched to Columbus if they meet the selective admission criteria of 2.0 GPA with 30 cumulative semester hours. Students who are taking half of their total credit hours for the term at a regional campus and the other half at the Columbus Campus will remain enrolled at the original campus. Visit Multi-Campus Students for more information regarding this policy.

Additional Fees

Not all fees are represented on the fee table pages. Additional fees that may apply are detailed on the Explanation of Fees, Refunds and Adjustments page. 

View additional fees that may apply

Total Cost of Attendance

Tuition and fees detailed on this page do not include housing, and dining options, financial aid or scholarships. Student Financial Aid provides two tools that provide an early estimate of your total cost of attending The Ohio State University.

  1. Net Price Calculator
  2. Cost of attendance

Both tools are available in the About Aid menu for the following student types: 

Auditing Courses

Students who choose to audit a course will need to meet with their academic advisor to register as an audit for the course and will be charged full tuition and fees for the audited course in addition to their other courses. All registration and payment deadlines apply.

Fee Payment Information 

Tuition and fee due dates for each semester/term can be viewed on the Academic Calendar.

The Ohio State University offers several options to pay your fees.

Payment On-Line

Log in to your My Buckeye Link. Select the task Payments and Refunds and then select Payment (Student).  

Payment by Mail 

Mail your check or money order payable to The Ohio State University. Be sure to write your Student ID or OSU Account Number on the face of the check or money order to ensure proper credit of your payment. Your payment must be postmarked or received by the payment deadline.  Do not use campus or metered mail. Mail payment to:

Office of the University Bursar   
The Ohio State University  
PO Box 183248  
Columbus, Ohio 43218-3248  

Payment in Person

Make payment with check or money order payable to The Ohio State University. Be sure to write your Student ID or OSU Account Number on the face of the check or money order to ensure proper credit of your payment. Submit your payment in the drop-box on the 1st floor of the Student Academic Services Building located at:

281 W. Lane Ave.
Columbus, OH 43210

The Ohio State University offers the Tuition Option Payment Plan (TOPP) to help divide the cost of tuition, housing and fees into installments. Students must enroll in TOPP by the appropriate deadline each term. The TOPP installment payments must also meet the appropriate deadlines to avoid penalties.  

For more information about TOPP, contact Buckeye Link. 

Adjusting your schedule may change your Statement of Account in the amount of tuition and fees that are due, including the date by which you are responsible to pay tuition and fees. It is best to verify this information when making any schedule adjustments.  Verify your balance and due date on your Statement of Account by logging into your My Buckeye Link and selecting the Statement of Account task. 

Students with an outstanding debt balance, including students enrolled in the Tuition Option Payment Plan (TOPP), will receive a hold blocking enrollment in future term courses. Students who already have registered for courses but who have outstanding debt balances will be disenrolled from those courses. These drops will occur prior to the fee-payment deadline for the next term and before financial aid is disbursed.  

Students must pay all charges that have resulted from outstanding debt to re-enroll online.  

Note: Seats in dropped courses will be filled from the waitlist and may no longer be available when a student tries to re-enroll. 

Residency reclassification applications are not guaranteed to be processed by the fee payment deadline. Students are responsible for the payment of all fees, including non-resident charges, even if a final residency determination has not been rendered by the fee payment deadline. 

If residency reclassification is changed to reflect an Ohio resident tuition rate, recalculated tuition and fees will be visible on your statement of account within 48 hours. Adjustments may be made as refunds, credits, or adjustments to financial aid.